

The appendix is a thin tube that is joined to the large intestine. It sits in the lower right part of your belly (abdomen). 当你还是个小孩子的时候, your appendix is a working part of your immune system, 什么能帮助你的身体对抗疾病. 当你老了, your appendix stops doing this and other parts of your body keep helping to fight infection.

阑尾会感染. 如果不处理,它会破裂。. This can happen as soon as 48 to 72 hours after you have symptoms. 因此,阑尾炎是一种医疗紧急情况. If you have symptoms, see a doctor right away to avoid more infection, which can be life-threatening.


阑尾炎 happens when the inside of your appendix is blocked. 阑尾炎 may be caused by various infections such as virus, 细菌, 或寄生虫, 在你的消化道. Or it may happen when the tube that joins your large intestine and appendix is blocked or trapped by 凳子. 有时肿瘤会引起阑尾炎.

然后阑尾变得疼痛和肿胀. The blood supply to the appendix stops as the swelling and soreness get worse. 没有足够的血液流动,阑尾就会开始死亡. The appendix can burst or develop holes or tears in its walls, 允许大便, 粘液, and infection to leak through and get inside the belly. 结果可能是腹膜炎,一种严重的感染.


阑尾炎 affects 1 in 1,000 people living in the U.S. Most cases of appendicitis happen to people between the ages of 10 and 30 years. Having a family history of appendicitis may raise your risk, especially if you are a man. For a child, having cystic fibrosis also seems to raise the risk of getting appendicitis.


以下是阑尾炎的常见症状. 你自己的症状可能有所不同.

腹部疼痛是最常见的症状. 这种疼痛:

  • May start in the area around your belly button and move to the lower right-hand side of your belly. It may also start in the lower right-hand side of your belly.
  • 随着时间的推移,情况往往会变得更糟.
  • May feel worse when you are moving, taking deep breaths, being touched, and coughing or sneezing.
  • May be felt all over your belly if your appendix bursts.


  • 胃部不适和呕吐
  • 食欲不振
  • 发烧和发冷
  • 排便困难(便秘)
  • 便稀(腹泻)
  • 排气困难
  • 腹部肿胀

不吃止痛药吗. They may hide other symptoms your healthcare provider needs to know about.

阑尾炎 symptoms may look like other health problems. 一定要去看你的医疗保健提供者以确保.


Your healthcare provider will ask about your past health and do a physical exam. He or she may also have you take the following tests:

  • 血液测试: To check for signs of infection, such as having a high white blood cell count.
  • 尿液测试: 看看你有没有尿路感染.


  • 腹部超声: Lets the doctor see internal organs as they work and checks how blood is flowing through different blood vessels.
  • CT扫描: Shows detailed images of any part of the body, such as the bones, muscles, fat, and organs.
  • 核磁共振成像: Sometimes used to diagnose appendicitis, especially in a pregnant woman, instead of CT scan.


阑尾炎是一种急症. It is likely the appendix will burst and cause a serious, deadly infection. 出于这个原因, 在几乎所有的情况下, your healthcare provider will advise that you have surgery to remove your appendix.

The appendix may be removed in an open procedure or using laparoscopy:

  • 开放(传统)手术方法. 你被麻醉了. A cut (incision) is made in the lower right-hand side of your belly. 外科医生找到阑尾并将其切除. 如果阑尾破裂了, a small tube (shunt) may be placed to drain out pus and other fluids in the belly. The shunt will be taken out in a few days, when your surgeon feels the infection has gone away.
  • 腹腔镜的方法. 你被麻醉了. This surgery uses several small cuts (incisions) and a camera (laparoscope) to look inside your belly. The surgical tools are placed through a few small incisions. 腹腔镜通过另一个切口放置. A laparoscopy can often be done even if the appendix has burst.

If your appendix has not burst then your recovery from an appendectomy will only take a few days. If your appendix has burst, your recovery time will be longer and you will  need antibiotic medicine.

没有阑尾你可以过正常的生活. 通常不需要改变饮食或运动.


The main problem with appendicitis is the risk of a burst appendix. This may happen if the appendix is not removed quickly. A burst appendix can lead to infection in the belly, called peritonitis. Peritonitis can be very serious and even cause death if not treated right away.


At this time, there is no known way to stop appendicitis from happening.


If you have any of the symptoms of appendicitis listed above, 马上打电话给你的医疗保健提供者. 或者去急诊室. 阑尾炎是一种严重的医疗紧急情况. 应该尽快治疗.


阑尾炎 is when your appendix becomes sore, swollen, and diseased.

  • 这是医疗紧急情况. 你必须马上就医.
  • It happens when the inside of your appendix gets filled with something that causes it to swell, 比如粘液, 凳子, 或寄生虫.
  • Most cases of appendicitis happen between the ages of 10 and 30 years.
  • It causes pain in the belly, but each person may have different symptoms.
  • Your health care provider will advise that you have surgery to remove your appendix.
  • 没有阑尾你可以过正常的生活.


Tips to help you get the most from a visit to your healthcare provider:

  • Before your visit, write down questions you want answered.
  • Bring someone with you to help you ask questions and remember what your provider tells you.
  • 参观时, 写下新药的名字, 治疗, 或测试, 以及医生给你的任何新指示.
  • If you have a follow-up appointment, write down the date, time, and purpose for that visit.
  • Know how you can contact your provider if you have questions.

小儿阑尾炎[j]&A和Dr. 克林特Cappiello

